Willmann-Bell The Year Round Messier Marathon Field Guide

Part star atlas, part descriptive text, part telescope primer, and part strategy session.

  • Author: H. Pennington
  • Publisher: Willmann-Bell
  • Hardback
  • Pages: 194
  • Covers 110 deep-sky objects
  • First published: 1997
  • UK warranty
Willmann-Bell The Year-Round Messier Marathon Field Guide
  • Product code: MESGUI
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Among the deepest satisfactions of amateur astronomy is knowing your way around the sky. From the familiar guideposts of the brightest stars, you confidently point your binoculars or telescope toward the Andromeda galaxy, the Hercules cluster, or the Lagoon nebula. This book was written for the person who wants to become deeply familiar with the most famous list of 110 deep-sky wonders, the Messier objects.

Using bright "guidepost stars" and detailed sky charts, the novice soon learns how to find the nebulae, star clusters, and galaxies that every amateur astronomer should know. And you need not "run" this marathon just a few weeks a year. Even at the worst you will have about 90 of the 110 objects visible throughout the year!




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The observing techniques taught in this book are both easy to learn and powerful, suitable not only for the novice but also for the experienced amateur. By following the sequence of charts presented in the second half of the book, a beginner using Harvard Pennington's methods should be able to locate and identify 25 to 30 Messier objects at any time of year before midnight. By working systematically against time, by running the "Messier Marathon" the observer quickly hones crucial observing skills and soon gains a deep familiarity with the night sky.

Once each year, on a moonless night during late March or early April, observers have an opportunity to test their skills by trying to observe all 110 objects that make up the Messier catalog in just one night! In the early evening, its a race against time to sight the first objects before they set. During the night, marathoners maintain a steady pace to find object after object, and as the dawn light grows, they try to spot the last one before it is lost in the morning twilight. It is not easy, but those who have done the dusk-to-dawn Messier Marathon run it again and again.

In this book, Harvard Pennington shows how to:

  • Learn 17 bright finder stars and 17 prominent finder constellations so you will know where to look for all 110 Messier objects.
  • Align a sighting device such as the Telrad® so that you can point your telescope rapidly and with assurance toward all of the Messier objects.
  • Calibrate your telescope so that you know exactly how much sky you see through your finder and through the eyepiece of your telescope.
  • Find all of the Messier objects using the maps, drawings and descriptions included in this book. You will know exactly where to point your telescope, and what the object should look like when you find it.

The Year-Round Messier Marathon Field Guide is designed around pages like those shown above which take the guess work out of locating Messier Objects. The circles shown on the map of Orion are Telrad finder views. Just place the Telrad as shown and you are very close. Then check (if necessary) the 8 x 50 finder views shown on the opposite page to zero in on the object. The sketches and accompanying text take the guess work out any final identification. This technique works year-round so you do not have to limit your fun to a single night in the Spring!

About the author

Harvard Pennington was a novice who wanted to observe the stars—so he trained himself to run the Messier Marathon. As his observing skills grew, he encouraged his friends and helped them to perfect their observing skills, too. This book is the result. Harvard Pennington proved beyond any doubt that the Messier Marathon is fun for the novice and the experienced observer alike—a great way to enjoy astronomy.

Table of contents


Chapter 1: What is a Messier Marathon?................
    Ordinary, Maxi and March Messier Marathons........
    Why You're Running the Marathon...................
    Why You Need to Know the Sky......................

Chapter 2: Messier and Messier Marathons..............
    Fast-Forward to the 1960s.........................

Chapter 3: Messier Marathons All Year Long............
    How Many Messiers Can I See This Month?...........

Chapter 4: Strategy and Tactics.......................
    Find a Good Site..................................
    Marathon at New Moon..............................
    Watch the Weather.................................
    Learn the Finder Constellations...................
    Know Your Telescope...............................
    Learn to Find Sky Objects.........................
    Plan for Success..................................

Chapter 5: Learning the Night Sky.....................
    Signpost Stars....................................
    Signpost Constellations...........................

Chapter 6: Calibrating Your Telescope.................
    Aligning the Finder...............................
    Calibrating a Telrad Finder.......................
    Calibrating a Finder..............................
    Calibrating an Eyepiece...........................
    Which Way is "Up".................................

Chapter 7: Locating the Messier Objects...............
    The Geometric Method..............................
    The Geometric Method: A Finder Scope..............
    The Geometric Method With Alternative Finders.....

Chapter 8: The Messier Objects-An Overview............
    Globular Clusters.................................
    Open Clusters.....................................
    Nebula - Diffuse..................................
    Nebula - Planetary Miscellaneous..................
    The Messier "Mistakes"............................
    Difficulty in Finding.............................
    Difficulty in Seeing..............................
    Difficulty in Identification......................
    A Second Chance?..................................

Chapter 9: How to Use the Charts......................
    Finder Charts for "One Power" Finders.............

Appendix A: The Messier Catalog.......................
Appendix B: My Messier Log............................


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The Year-Round Messier Marathon Field Guide
Attribute Specification
Product Code (SKU) MESGUI
Universal Product Code (UPC) n/a
Experience Level Beginner
Format Hardback
Pages 194
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  • Product code: OTPTEST
  • Availability: In stock
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  • Labels: optics
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